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Spółka Trudly sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt pod tytułem: „Trudly.com” w ramach osi priorytetowej 1 - Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia

SupportSupport those in need together with local entrepreneurs!

Trudly is a crowdfunding platform thanks to which we create a common future!

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Zobacz naszą nową aplikację!

Łatwy sposób wspierania organizacji charytatywnych i spraw, na których Ci zależy. Przekaż darowiznę jednym dotknięciem i dokonaj zmian już dziś!

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Platform trudly.com

How it's working?

Trudly is a crowdfunding platform that connects people who need support with companies that are willing to donate funds to help. The basis of the platform's operation are "bricks" obtained from entrepreneurs and distributed for selected purposes by platform users. For those in need and the foundations that care for them, Trudly provides a greater opportunity to receive real support, as well as the opportunity to promote collections on a larger scale. It is an opportunity to become part of an engaged community consisting of socially responsible companies and users willing to help. Entrepreneurs have a real impact on helping those in need, at the same time cooperating with platform users and taking part in the life of the local community. All this translates into building social trust in your organization and implementing the assumptions of the company's CSR strategy. Joining the Trudly community as a company also offers new opportunities to promote your business and acquire new customers. Additionally, funds allocated for donations may be tax deductible. As a user of the platform, collect donations by gaining discount coupons for products and services of companies registered on the Trudly platform. Donate to fundraisers of your choice and get satisfaction from the help you provide together! Trudly's greatest strength, however, is its community, united by a common goal - helping those around it!

Why trudly.com?

The first platform for companies that allows you to safely and easily transfer money to those in need

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• Współpracujemy tylko z zarejestrowanymi na platformie i zweryfikowanymi fundacjami.

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• Nie zaskoczymy Cię żadnymi ukrytymi opłatami, płatnymi reklamami ani usługami premium. • 100% przekazanej kwoty trafi do potrzebujących osób.

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Zaufali nam

• Zaufało nam już wielu użytkowników, między innymi Robert Lewandowski i Paulina Karpowicz.

What's together now? did we?

Our common stories

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